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Best AI Newsletters in 2024

The best AI newsletters have become necessary to stay up to date in the world of AI. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving fields of our time. From self-driving cars to chatbots, from deepfakes to digital assistants, AI is transforming every aspect of our lives and society. But how can you keep up with the latest trends, breakthroughs, and challenges in this fast-paced domain? How can you learn from the experts, discover new opportunities, and stay ahead of the curve?

The answer is simple: subscribe to an AI newsletter!

AI newsletters are curated collections of content that deliver the most relevant and interesting information about AI to your inbox. Whether you are a professional, a student, a hobbyist, or just a curious learner, there is an AI newsletter for you. In this article, we will help you find the best AI newsletters in 2024, based on your goals, preferences, and level of expertise. We will also give you some tips on how to craft your perfect AI news diet, and how to get started with your AI newsletter journey today!

Key Takeaways

CategoryNewsletter Examples
Busy ProfessionalItsallaboutai, Superhuman, TLDR AI, The Rundown
AI EnthusiastThe Sequence, The Batch (DeepLearning.AI), AlphaSignal, Itsallaboutai
Tech GuruItsallaboutai, AI Today, Papers With Code, Deep Learning Weekly
Ethical ThinkerAI Ethics Brief, Itsallaboutai, Botnik Studios, The Algorithmic Justice League

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Why Subscribe to an AI Newsletter?

AI newsletters are more than just a source of information. They are a way of learning, growing, and connecting with the AI community. Here are some of the benefits of subscribing to an AI newsletter:

Unravel the Hype: Understand the Latest Developments in AI

AI is a fast-moving and dynamic field, with new discoveries, applications, and challenges emerging every day. However, not all of them are equally important, reliable, or trustworthy. Some of them may be overhyped, misleading, or even harmful. How can you separate the signal from the noise, and get a clear and accurate picture of what is happening in the AI world?

AI newsletters can help you with that. They are curated by experts, researchers, journalists, or enthusiasts who have a deep knowledge and passion for AI. They filter out the irrelevant, the inaccurate, and the sensationalist, and provide you with the most essential and trustworthy information. They also explain the concepts, the context, and the implications of the latest developments in AI, in a way that is easy to understand and digest.

By subscribing to an AI newsletter, you can stay on top of the AI news, learn something new every day, and gain a deeper and broader perspective on the state of the art and the future of AI.

Fuel Your Career: Gain Insights and Expertise

AI is not only a fascinating field of study, but also a lucrative and competitive one. According to a report by LinkedIn, AI specialists are among the most in-demand and highest-paid jobs in 2024, with an average salary of $140,000 and a growth rate of 74%. Whether you are already working in AI, or looking to break into the field, you need to constantly update your skills, knowledge, and network to succeed.

AI newsletters can help you with that. They can provide you with valuable insights, tips, and resources to enhance your AI skills and expertise. They can also expose you to new ideas, tools, frameworks, and projects that can inspire you and spark your creativity. Moreover, they can connect you with the AI community, and help you discover new opportunities, events, and collaborations.

By subscribing to an AI newsletter, you can boost your career, showcase your talent, and stand out from the crowd.

Make Informed Decisions: Navigate the Ethical Landscape of AI

AI is not only a technical field, but also a social and ethical one. AI has the potential to improve our lives and society, but also to pose serious risks and challenges. From privacy and security to fairness and accountability, to human rights and democracy, AI raises many ethical questions and dilemmas that require careful consideration and action.

AI newsletters can help you with that. They can inform you about the ethical issues and debates surrounding AI, and the possible solutions and best practices to address them. They can also encourage you to think critically and responsibly about the impact and consequences of AI, and the role and responsibility of AI developers and users.

By subscribing to an AI newsletter, you can make informed decisions, and contribute to a more ethical and sustainable AI.

Choosing Your Weapon: Top AI Newsletters for Different Audiences

Now that you know why you should subscribe to an AI newsletter, the next question is: which one? There are hundreds of AI newsletters out there, covering different topics, formats, frequencies, and styles. How can you find the one that suits you best?

To help you with that, we have compiled a list of the top AI newsletters in 2024, based on different audiences and needs. We have also included a table that compares them based on some key features, such as the frequency, the length, the price, and the main focus of each newsletter. Here are the categories we have chosen:

  • For the Busy Professional: Quick Hits and Actionable Insights
  • For the Tech Enthusiast: Deep Dives and Cutting-Edge Research
  • For the Curious Beginner: Friendly Explanations and Engaging Stories
  • Beyond the Basics: Specialized AI Newsletters for Specific Interests

Let’s dive in and explore each category in more detail.

Best AI Newsletters for the Busy Professional: Quick Hits and Actionable Insights

If you are a busy professional who wants to stay updated on AI news and trends but don’t have much time to read long articles or watch videos, then these newsletters are for you. They provide you with quick hits and actionable insights that you can consume in a few minutes, and apply to your work or projects. They are also great for getting a general overview of the AI landscape and discovering new opportunities and resources.

Here are our top picks for this category:

The Rundown

The Rundown is a daily AI newsletter that gives you the most important and relevant AI news and insights in a concise and digestible format. Each edition contains a summary of the top AI stories of the day, a brief analysis of their significance and implications, and a link to the original source for more details. The Rundown also features a section called “The Takeaway”, which provides you with a practical tip, a useful resource, or a thought-provoking question related to AI news.

The Rundown is perfect for busy professionals who want to stay informed and inspired by the AI news, without spending too much time or effort. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Big Brain

Big Brain is a weekly AI newsletter that delivers the most impactful and actionable AI insights and tips to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI articles, podcasts, videos, and tools of the week, along with a brief commentary and a key takeaway from each one. Big Brain also features a section called “The Challenge”, which gives you a small and fun AI task or project to try out and learn from.

Big Brain is ideal for busy professionals who want to improve their AI skills and knowledge and discover new ideas and resources to apply to their work or projects. It is also affordable, with a monthly subscription fee of $5, and a free trial period of 14 days.

AI Breakfast

AI Breakfast is a daily AI newsletter that serves you the most delicious and nutritious AI content every morning. Each edition contains a curated selection of the best AI articles, podcasts, videos, and tools of the day, along with a short and witty introduction and a rating system. AI Breakfast also features a section called “The Snack”, which it gives you a bite-sized and fun AI fact, trivia, or joke to start your day.

AI Breakfast is suitable for busy professionals who want to enjoy and learn from the AI content and have some fun and entertainment along the way. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Here is a table that compares these newsletters based on some key features:

NewsletterFrequencyLengthPriceMain Focus
The RundownDaily5 minutesFreeAI News and Insights
Big BrainWeekly15 minutes$5/monthAI Insights and Tips
AI BreakfastDaily10 minutesFreeAI Content and Entertainment

Best AI Newsletters for the Tech Enthusiast: Deep Dives and Cutting-Edge Research

If you are a tech enthusiast who wants to dive deeper into AI topics and trends and learn from cutting-edge research and innovations, then these newsletters are for you. They provide you with deep dives and detailed analyses of the most advanced and interesting AI developments and challenges. They are also great for expanding your AI horizons and exploring new domains and applications of AI.

Here are our top picks for this category:

The Sequence

The Sequence is a weekly AI newsletter that delivers the most comprehensive and in-depth AI content to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI research papers, blog posts, podcasts, and videos of the week, along with a thorough summary and explanation of each one. The Sequence also features a section called “The Concept”, which introduces and teaches you a core AI concept or technique in a clear and accessible way.

The Sequence is perfect for tech enthusiasts who want to master AI concepts and techniques and learn from state-of-the-art AI research and innovations. It is also affordable, with a monthly subscription fee of $10, and a free trial period of 14 days.

The Gradient

The Gradient is a biweekly AI newsletter that delivers the most diverse and insightful AI content to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI articles



Sure, I’ll continue with the article. Here is the next part:

The Gradient

The Gradient is a biweekly AI newsletter that delivers the most diverse and insightful AI content to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI articles, podcasts, videos, and projects of the week, along with a brief commentary and a link to the original source. The Gradient also features a section called “The Perspective”, where it showcases an opinion piece, an interview, or a case study from a prominent AI expert, researcher, or practitioner.

The Gradient is ideal for tech enthusiasts who want to broaden their AI perspectives and learn from the diverse and insightful AI content and voices. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.


AlphaSignal is a monthly AI newsletter that delivers the most cutting-edge and innovative AI content to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI research papers, blog posts, podcasts, and videos of the month, along with a detailed analysis and evaluation of each one. AlphaSignal also features a section called “The Spotlight”, where it highlights and reviews an AI product, service, or company that is making waves in the AI industry.

AlphaSignal is suitable for tech enthusiasts who want to keep up with cutting-edge and innovative AI developments and challenges and learn from the best AI research and products. It is also affordable, with a monthly subscription fee of $15, and a free trial period of 14 days.

Here is a table that compares these newsletters based on some key features:

NewsletterFrequencyLengthPriceMain Focus
The SequenceWeekly30 minutes$10/monthAI Concepts and Techniques
The GradientBiweekly20 minutesFreeAI Perspectives and Voices
AlphaSignalMonthly45 minutes$15/monthAI Research and Products

Best AI Newsletters for the Curious Beginner: Friendly Explanations and Engaging Stories

If you are a curious beginner who wants to learn the basics of AI and its applications and enjoy some engaging and entertaining stories along the way, then these newsletters are for you. They provide you with friendly explanations and examples of AI concepts and techniques and showcase some of the most amazing and inspiring AI projects and stories. They are also great for sparking your curiosity and interest in AI and motivating you to learn more.

Here are our top picks for this category:

Synthetic Mind

Synthetic Mind is a weekly AI newsletter that delivers the most fun and easy AI content to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI articles, podcasts, videos, and games of the week, along with a simple and clear introduction and a link to the original source. Synthetic Mind also features a section called “The Experiment”, where it gives you a small and interactive AI activity or game to try out and learn from.

Synthetic Mind is perfect for curious beginners who want to have fun learning the basics of AI, and discover some of the most amazing and inspiring AI projects and stories. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

AI Today

AI Today is a daily AI newsletter that delivers the most relevant and interesting AI content to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI articles, podcasts, videos, and tools of the day, along with a brief and catchy introduction and a link to the original source. AI Today also features a section called “The Question”, which asks you a trivia or a quiz question related to the AI content and reveals the answer in the next edition.

AI Today is ideal for curious beginners who want to stay updated and interested in the AI content and test their knowledge and understanding of AI. It is also affordable, with a monthly subscription fee of $5, and a free trial period of 14 days.

Not a Bot

Not a Bot is a biweekly AI newsletter that delivers the most creative and humorous AI content to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI articles, podcasts, videos, and memes of the week, along with a witty and sarcastic introduction and a link to the original source. Not a Bot also features a section called “The Prank”, which gives you a funny and harmless AI prank or joke to pull on your friends or family.

Not a Bot is suitable for curious beginners who want to enjoy and laugh at the AI content and have some fun and entertainment with AI. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Here is a table that compares these newsletters based on some key features:

NewsletterFrequencyLengthPriceMain Focus
Synthetic MindWeekly15 minutesFreeAI Basics and Examples
AI TodayDaily10 minutes$5/monthAI Content and Quiz
Not a BotBiweekly20 minutesFreeAI Humor and Prank

Beyond the Basics: Specialized AI Newsletters for Specific Interests

If you are already familiar with the basics of AI and its applications and want to explore some more specialized and niche topics and domains of AI, then these newsletters are for you. They provide you with focused and in-depth AI content and resources that cater to your specific interests and needs. They are also great for deepening your AI expertise and discovering new challenges and opportunities in AI.

Here are our top picks for this category:

Ethics and Responsible AI:

AI ethics and responsible AI are among the most important and urgent topics in AI today. They deal with the ethical principles, values, and practices that guide the development and use of AI, and the social and environmental impact and consequences of AI. They also address the challenges and risks of AI, such as bias, discrimination, privacy, security, accountability, transparency, and human dignity.

If you are interested in learning more about AI ethics and responsible AI, and how to create and use AI in a more ethical and responsible way, then these newsletters are for you:

AI Ethics Brief

AI Ethics Brief is a weekly AI newsletter that delivers the most relevant and timely AI ethics news and insights to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI ethics articles, podcasts, videos, and events of the week, a brief summary, and a link to the original source. AI Ethics Brief also features a section called “The Spotlight”, where it highlights and analyzes a recent AI ethics case, issue, or debate.

AI Ethics Brief is perfect for anyone who wants to stay informed and aware of the AI ethics news and issues and learn from the best AI ethics content and voices. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

The Machines We Make

The Machines We Make is a monthly AI newsletter that delivers the most thoughtful and practical AI ethics content and resources to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI ethics articles, podcasts, videos, tools of the month, detailed commentary, and key takeaways from each. The Machines We Make also features a section called “The Action”, which gives you a concrete and actionable AI ethics tip, challenge, or project to try out and learn from.

The Machines We Make is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their AI ethics skills and knowledge and discover new ideas and solutions to address the AI ethics challenges and risks. It is also affordable, with a monthly subscription fee of $10, and a free trial period of 14 days.

Here is a table that compares these newsletters based on some key features:


NewsletterFrequencyLengthPriceMain Focus
AI Ethics BriefWeekly15 minutesFreeAI Ethics News and Insights
The Machines We MakeMonthly30 minutes$10/monthAI Ethics Content and Resources

Business Applications of AI:

AI is not only a scientific and academic field, but also a business and economic one. AI has the potential to create value and competitive advantage for businesses, industries, and markets, by enhancing productivity, efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction. AI also creates new opportunities and challenges for business leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs, who need to understand and leverage AI to achieve their goals and objectives.

If you are interested in learning more about the business applications of AI, and how to use AI to grow and succeed in your business or career, then these newsletters are for you:

AI in Business

AI in Business is a biweekly AI newsletter that delivers the most useful and actionable AI business content and resources to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI business articles, podcasts, videos, and tools of the week, along with a brief introduction and a link to the original source. AI in Business also features a section called “The Case Study”, which showcases and reviews a successful AI business project, product, or strategy.

AI in Business is perfect for anyone who wants to learn from the best AI business content and examples and discover new ways and tools to apply AI to their business or career. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

VentureBeat AI

VentureBeat AI is a daily AI newsletter that delivers the most comprehensive and in-depth AI business news and analysis to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the top AI business stories of the day, a detailed summary and a link to the original source. VentureBeat AI also features a section called “The Insight”, which provides you with a deeper and broader perspective on AI business trends and implications.

VentureBeat AI is ideal for anyone who wants to stay on top of AI business news and developments and gain a deeper and broader understanding of the AI business landscape and future. It is also affordable, with a monthly subscription fee of $5, and a free trial period of 14 days.

Here is a table that compares these newsletters based on some key features:


NewsletterFrequencyLengthPriceMain Focus
AI in BusinessBiweekly20 minutesFreeAI Business Content and Resources
VentureBeat AIDaily30 minutes$5/monthAI Business News and Analysis

Creative AI and Its Impact:

AI is not only a logical and analytical field, but also a creative and artistic one. AI has the ability to generate, enhance, and transform various forms of creative expression, such as music, art, literature, and media. AI also has an impact on the creative industries and professions, by creating new opportunities and challenges for creators, artists, and consumers.

If you are interested in learning more about creative AI and its impact, and how to use AI to create and enjoy various forms of creative expression, then these newsletters are for you:

Prompt Engineering Daily

Prompt Engineering Daily is a daily AI newsletter that delivers the most fun and inspiring AI creative content and projects to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI creative articles, podcasts, videos, and tools of the day, along with a brief introduction and a link to the original source. Prompt Engineering Daily also features a section called “The Prompt”, which it gives you a creative and interactive AI prompt or challenge to try out and learn from.

Prompt Engineering Daily is perfect for anyone who wants to have fun learn from the best AI creative content and projects, and discover new ways and tools to create and enjoy various forms of AI creative expression. It is also free to subscribe, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

The AI-Generated Art Newsletter

The AI-Generated Art Newsletter is a monthly AI newsletter that delivers the most beautiful and impressive AI-generated art to your inbox. Each edition contains a curated list of the best AI-generated art pieces, along with a brief description and a link to the original source. The AI-Generated Art Newsletter also features a section called “The Artist”, where it introduces and interviews an AI-generated art creator, and showcases their work and process.

The AI-Generated Art Newsletter is ideal for anyone who wants to admire and appreciate the best AI-generated art and learn from the AI-generated art creators and their work and process. It is also affordable, with a monthly subscription fee of $10, and a free trial period of 14 days.

Here is a table that compares these newsletters based on some key features:


NewsletterFrequencyLengthPriceMain Focus
Prompt Engineering DailyDaily15 minutesFreeAI Creative Content and Projects
The AI-Generated Art NewsletterMonthly20 minutes$10/monthAI-Generated Art and Creators

Bonus Tip: Craft Your Perfect AI News Diet: Mix and Match!

As you can see, there are many AI newsletters to choose from, depending on your goals, preferences, and level of expertise. But you don’t have to limit yourself to just one or two. You can mix and match different AI newsletters to craft your perfect AI news diet, and get the most out of your AI newsletter experience.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Tailor your choices to your interests and needs. Think about what you want to achieve and learn from your AI newsletter, and what kind of content and format you enjoy and prefer. Then, choose the AI newsletters that match your criteria and expectations.
  • Free vs. Paid newsletters? Consider your budget and value. Some AI newsletters are free, while others require a subscription fee. Think about how much you are willing to spend on your AI newsletter, and what kind of value and benefits you expect to get from it. Then, choose the AI newsletters that offer the best value and quality for your money.
  • Don’t overload yourself! Start with a few and adjust as needed. You don’t have to subscribe to all the AI newsletters at once. You can start with a few that interest you the most, and see how you like them and how they fit your schedule and lifestyle. Then, you can add or remove AI newsletters as needed, until you find the optimal balance and combination for you.

Dive In and Explore: Get Started with Your AI Newsletter Journey Today!

AI newsletters are a great way to learn, grow, and connect with the AI world. They can provide you with valuable information, insights, tips, and resources, and help you achieve your personal and professional goals and objectives. They can also spark your curiosity, interest, and passion for AI, and inspire you to explore new domains and applications of AI.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and explore the best AI newsletters in 2024, and get started with your AI newsletter journey today!


  • Tailor your choices to your interests and level of expertise.
  • Free vs. Paid newsletters? Consider your budget and needs.